New Build Dwelling – Midleton

Project Background
In 2012, during a turbulent recession, a brave family committed to building this three-storey Charleston Lodge on the estuarine setting.
Over a decade later, the dwelling stands proudly on the embankment still boasting its’ Linehanised’ and La Belle France interior with natural timbers and painted decor to compliment the light spilling into the house.

Every inch is utilised, with parking for four or five cars on the approach and with a west/south facing courtyard with water feature and terrace seating on the other end.

Quite incredibly, heating bills for a home of this size only weigh in at €500 a year — the owners sing the praises of the air-to-water set up, installed and overseen by Airflow in Little Island.

3 Grattan St,
T12 XP9F